
Thursday 11 October 2012

Do NOT Text While Driving

Do you have a teenager who texts while she is driving? If so, then this book is a must read for every parent! When asked if I would do a book review on "Protecting your teen from the dangers of texting" I was curious about that exact topic as I have a teenager myself. Being a parent in the 21st century is not like being a parent in the 1960's! The information age and technology has advanced enough that all parents really need to educate themselves with all the new gadgets on the market. I am not a phone person nor do I text, ever. On the other hand I have a teenager that the phone is attached to her body!
What I did learn after I read this educational book is about how teens are texting (partially or all nude) photo's to their boyfriends and those photo's can be forwarded to other people. The statistics are alarming in this book as well as the personal stories from teens and parents about the texting and dangers and the texting for the purpose of "sexting." I have never heard of that term before now!
This book gives wonderful resources including the "National Teen dating Abuse Helpline" (NTDAH) which every parent needs on their list of Important Contacts. At it shows of the sexting laws and how the parent is responsible for the actions of their teens (sexting) if they get in any sort of trouble. She also lists all the current laws for each State on Texting.
As one teen expressed as she watched her family member drive and text, she noticed that they were looking downward a lot. This is a major distraction to driving. The accidents that occur and the deaths are increasing in numbers Nationally. Another teen is asked by their driver to text back a message to so and so, thus possibly eliminating an accident and also showing by their actions what is safe while driving.
In the end the author has a wonderful FAMILY CELL PHONE USE AGREEMENT that the teen signs and agrees to. It is the most up to date and positive step a parent can take in this century! I have taken the step to have my own teenager sign the family cell phone agreement and now I feel safer for the both of us.
This book in PDF came to me by Janis Friesler from Assisting Authors Online, "the place where authors can get help promoting their works."

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