
Thursday 18 October 2012

My Particles Are Dancing!

" Oh sun, rise. Particles are dancing. I see headless, footless spirits dancing with ecstasy. Some are dancing at the dome of the sky. Come close. I'll tell you where they are going."
That's Rumi speaking from the book, "Crazy As We Are," written by Dr. Nevit O. Ergin.
Rumi certainly had a way with words. Dancing is the motion of freedom; it connects me to the sound of my inner music, which is constantly playing in awareness.
Rumi was the original dancing mystic; he connected to his inner self by twirling, and this dance became the art of worship for his followers. Dancing has been used for centuries by cultures around the world to honor and worship a higher power.
 Dancing takes me to a free zone where I can be myself and share my freedom with others. My body moves in gestures of playfulness and lighthearted actions that come from within me. I am in another place; a place of well being where there is only a feeling of my spirit gliding through the air of physical existence. Dancing is the art of lifting my ego to the door of awakening. Dancing makes me feel good; it brings out another part of me that bonds with the world around me. I am a particle of ecstasy floating with other particles that reach out and touch the stars. Dancing with the stars I become one of them in the artful movement of oneness. My consciousness is free to focus on other moments of reality and refresh my purpose of existence. The dance changes me into what I have always been but forgot I am; a dream of grand expansion.
The philosopher Friedrick Nietzsche explains dancing this way:
In song and dance man expresses himself as a member of a higher community; he has forgotten how to walk and speak and is on the way toward flying, dancing into the air. His very gestures are of enchantment... He feels himself to be a god, going about in ecstasy, exalted, like the gods beheld in his dreams... He is no longer an artist, he has become a work of art. In a paroxysm of intoxication the creative power of all nature has come to light in him at the highest rapture of the one that is All. Nature, with its true voice undissembled cries out to us: "Be as I am! I, the primordial ever-creating mother amidst the ceaseless flux of appearances, ever impelling into existence, externally finding in these transformations satisfaction."
So it is. The dance brings me the feeling of joy; it brings me the emotion of excitement; it entertains my spirit and I become who I am. The music is always playing all I need to do is hear it and get up from my seat of loneliness and dance. My dance fills the cracks in my thinking; paints my world with brightness and showers my reality with abundance.

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